- Укрепление и увлажнение
- Активизация клеточного метаболизма
- Омоложение кожи лица.
Состав продукта:
- Масло рисовых отрубей
- Токоферола ацетат
- Лизолецитин
- Глицерин
- Ксантановая камедь
- Камеди склероция
- Экстракт алярии эскулента
- Экстракт ундарии перистой.
WAKAME SEAWEED extract: This botanical active ingredient of marine origin has a lifting effect as well as firming and rejuvenating properties. Inspired by genomic technology, it targets the 14 genes responsible for organizing and synthesizing elastin fibers and fillers, which keep the skin firm, supple and wrinkle free. JUVENESSENCE®: Intensive firming marine active ingredient with a powerful anti-aging action. This extraordinary multi-effect active ingredient is extracted from Alaria Esculenta seaweed and stops and reverses cellular aging. Its action intensifies and improves skin cell activity as well as the natural detoxification process thanks to its cell-detox effect. Significantly improves hydration levels and skin firmness.