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CannamediQ Cholestmizin Forte 30 tbl

CannamediQ Cholestmizin Forte 30 tbl

Product Code: 125312
Code EAN 8594059739971
Brand cannamediQ
  • 395 Kč
  • 336 Kč

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CannamediQ® Cholestmizin Forte is a comprehensive product designed to optimize cholesterol levels in the blood and protect the cardiovascular system. Its innovative composition based on hemp, monacolin, plant sterols, and extracts ensures maximum effectiveness and safety of use without any side effects.

Cholestmizin Forte contains the maximum amount of monacolin, red fermented rice extract, plant sterols, and extracts, as well as a unique ingredient in the form of hemp seed extract, which helps maintain proper heart function.

Thanks to the plant sterols, monacolin, and extracts of bitter orange, green tea, and milk thistle contained in Cholestmizin Forte, it favorably limits the absorption of cholesterol,1 adjusts the ratio of HDL (so-called "good" cholesterol) and LDL (so-called "bad" cholesterol)1 cholesterol, and optimizes blood triglyceride levels.1 Green tea also favorably regulates the state of the entire cardiovascular system1 and has a positive effect on the heart, blood vessels, and blood pressure.1 Thanks to its antioxidant activity, it prevents premature aging of cells.1

Cholestmizin Forte is additionally enriched with milk thistle, which ensures the protection and regeneration of liver cells, even in the case of taking substances that oxidize the liver and thus burden the liver cells.

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