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DIACHROM Stolní sladidlo s chrómem, 600 tbl.

DIACHROM Stolní sladidlo s chrómem, 600 tbl.

Product Code: 103348
Code EAN 8594029930230
Country of manufacture Česká republika
  • 259 Kč

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DiaChrom is a modern low-calorie table-top sweetener based on aspartame enriched with a special biochemically highly active complex known as glucose tolerance factor. Its active ingredient is trivalent chromium, which contributes to maintaining normal blood glucose levels and normal macronutrient metabolism. The great advantage of this sweetener is its taste very similar to sugar without the unpleasant aftertaste typical of common table-top sweeteners. DiaChrom is suitable for diabetics, all types of weight loss diets and for people who want to sweeten in a healthy way.


1 tableta má sladivost jedné velké kostky cukru (4,4 g), ale má o 95,6 % nižší kalorickou hodnotu. Referenční hodnota příjmu chrómu je 40 µg tj. 27 tablet. Maximální denní dávka chrómu je 200 µg tj. 133 tablet. Přijatelný denní příjem (ADI) aspartamu je 40 mg/kg tělesné váhy tj. 145 tablet pro osobu o hmotnosti 80 kg.


Lactose, Aspartame, L-leucine, E468, Magnesium Stearate, Chromium Milk

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