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DR. POPOV Antistres Kapky bylinné 50ml

DR. POPOV Antistres Kapky bylinné 50ml

Product Code: 116373
Code EAN 8595058905862
Country of manufacture Česká republika
  • 159 Kč

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The original herbal drops Dr. Popova Antistress contain 5 exceptional herbs for supporting mental health, relaxation and stress relief: maral, eleuterokok, gotu kola, passion fruit and dobromysl. These herbs are among the important adaptogens, i.e. plants that help us stay in a good mental and physical state.

Eleutherokok promotes relaxation and good mood, while also having a positive effect on our cognitive and mental performance. Eleutherokok is also recommended in cases where it is necessary to recover after a demanding task, both physically and mentally. Maral refreshes the body and contributes to mental balance, passion fruit strengthens healthy sleep and relieves stress, dobromysl supports mental performance. Gotu kola (Asian navelwort) supports mental health and cognitive function.


Just take 20 drops of tincture 3 times a day


oda, jemný kvasný líh (alk. 40% obj.), eleuterokok kořen, pupečník asijský nať (gotu kola), dobromysl obecná nať, maral kořen, mučenka pletní nať 100 g výrobku obsahuje extrakt z á 2,85 g všech jmenovaných bylin

Manufacturer / Distribution

Dr. Popov s.r.o. Plzeňská 857, 348 15 Planá

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