Horsetail ointment is intended primarily for massage, as massage brings relief when there is limited mobility in the joints, spine or painful osteoarthritis. Massage also helps with strained muscles, and the beneficial effects of the ointment are successfully used when caring for the lower extremities. With Lyme disease, massage can relieve joint pain and also help prevent joint swelling. Horsetail flowers help improve venous drainage and have strong anti-inflammatory effects. Horsetail ointment is intended primarily for the older generation and for people prone to osteoarthritis and reduced joint mobility. The ointment is made according to an old family tradition.
vepřové sádlo, včelí vosk, jírovec maďal, tymián obecný, jalovec, květ černého bezu, parfém (směs přírodních silic)
Manufacturer / Distribution
Dr. Popov s.r.o. Plzeňská 857, 348 15 Planá