Dr. Popov's original herbal drops Sex Men - Prostate combine the effects of 5 herbs traditionally used for healthy prostate function and sexual health.
Saw palm (Serenoa creeping) is used primarily for its effects on prostate function and has a positive effect on the proper functioning of the reproductive system. Another herb used is damiana (Pastala prostrata), which supports sexual health. Overall, it has an effect on mental well-being, which is a very important aspect for a satisfied sex life. Ground anchor supports healthy functioning of the genitals and contributes to proper hormonal activity. It provides energy and vitality. Willow participates in the normal functioning of the prostate and induces mental and physical well-being. The drops also contain willow.
Just take 20 drops of tincture 2 times a day
voda, jemný kvasný líh (alk. 40% obj.), serenoa plazivá (palma sabalová) plod, pastala rozprostřená (damiána) list, kotvičník zemní nať s plodem, vrbice bílá nať, vrbovka nať 100 g výrobku obsahuje extrakt z á 2,85 g všech jmenovaných bylin
Manufacturer / Distribution
Dr. Popov s.r.o. Plzeňská 857, 348 15 Planá