For quality sleep, relaxation and mental well-being (thanks to St. John's wort, lemon balm and lavender). Dietary supplement. Stress at work often affects the quality of sleep. Everyone suffers from problems falling asleep, bad dreams or sleep in general. If you can't fall asleep either, there are certain herbs with relaxing effects. We have selected some of them and created Dr. Popova's herbal drops Sleep - nerves.
Take 20 drops of tincture 3 times a day
voda, jemný kvasný líh (alk. 40% obj.), třezalka nať, levandule květ, meduňka nať, srdečník nať, chmel šištice 100 g výrobku obsahuje á 2,85 g všech jmenovaných bylin
Manufacturer / Distribution
Dr. Popov s.r.o. Plzeňská 857, 348 15 Planá