Food supplement. Contains a unique blend of 5 herbal extracts that help relieve symptoms of common cold-related illnesses.
- Relieves coughs
- Soothes irritated throats
- Reduces sore throats
- Relieves scratchy throats
The syrup creates a protective layer on the mucous membrane of the mouth and throat. In this way, the product relieves irritation and coughs and reduces the feeling of a scratchy throat. The product is suitable for celiacs, diabetics and children from 3 years of age.
Extrakt jitrocele (Plantago lanceolata), Extrakt boswellie (Boswellia serrata), Extrakt mateřídoušky (Thymus serpyllum), Extrakt bazalky (Ocimum basilicum), Extrakt eukalyptu (Eucalyptus globulus), čištěná voda, sorbitol, fruktóza, polysorbát 20, citronan trisodný, kyselina citrónová, sorban draselný, benzoan sodný, xanthanová guma, švestkové a medové aroma, sukralóza, mentol, selen (seleničitan sodný pentahydrát).
Manufacturer / Distribution
Simply You Pharmaceuticals, a.s. Roháčova 188/37, 130 00 Praha, Žižkov