Food supplement.
The natural composition of the product combines the power of herbal extracts (marshmallow, thyme) with honey, propolis and niacin. The syrup is based on tasty natural honey, which not only children will appreciate. ERDOHerbal honey syrup does not contain beet sugar or artificial sweeteners, alcohol, preservatives and other additives.
Thyme and marshmallow have a beneficial effect on the respiratory tract. Thanks to the polysaccharide content, marshmallow soothes the pharyngeal mucosa and the mucus substances of marshmallow create a protective film against foreign particles, relieving the feeling of tickling in the throat. Thyme helps the immune system function normally.
Niacin is a water-soluble vitamin belonging to the B vitamins. It is important for maintaining the normal condition of mucous membranes and helps reduce fatigue and exhaustion.
Honey is a thick, sweet and sticky liquid produced by bees, mainly from nectar from flowers or honeydew (a sweet secretion) secreted by aphids, for example. It is mainly a mixture of sugars (mostly fructose and glucose), water and other substances (vitamins, minerals, proteins, amino acids).
Propolis is a bee product, a resinous substance with a pleasant aromatic scent. It is composed of approximately 50% resinous substances, 30% beeswax, 10% aromatic and essential oils and 5% pollen, and contains a number of vitamins and minerals.
The package contains 140 ml.
Not suitable for children under 1 year of age. Pregnant and breastfeeding women are advised to consult a doctor before using the product.
In case of any sign of hypersensitivity, discontinue use of the product.
Doporučená dávka pro dospělé je 10 ml 3x denně. Doporučená dávka pro děti (od 1 roku) je 5 ml 3x denně. Před použitím protřepejte.
Med 18,5 g, extrakt z proskurníku lékařského 10 mg, extrakt z tymiánu obecného 200 mg, extrakt z propolisu 150 mg, niacin 2,4 mg (15 % RHP*) v 15 ml (3 odměrné lžičky). * RHP – referenční hodnota příjmu.
Manufacturer / Distribution
Angelini Pharma Česká republika s.r.o.
Palachovo náměstí 799/5
625 00 Brno