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Galmed Cranbefit manosa 30 sachets

Galmed Cranbefit manosa 30 sachets

Product Code: 124507
Code EAN 8594058237935
Manufacturer GALMED a.s.
  • 559 Kč
  • 450 Kč

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For normal functioning of the urinary system A complex preparation for the care of the urinary tract, designed for both intensive short-term and long-term regimen. It contains mannose, top Canadian cranberry extract CystiCran®, antioxidant rosehip extract, which contributes to normal bladder, kidney and immune support, artichoke extract for normal urinary tract and kidney function, vitamin D3 for immune support and prebiotic inulin. Dosage in intensive mode for the first 3 days meets the condition of a minimum intake of 36 mg of PAC (active natural substance proanthocyanidins contained in cranberries).

Mannose is a monosaccharide naturally occurring in the human body as an important factor for the glycosylation of certain proteins and is involved in the formation of the structure of glycoproteins, such as uroplakin, which protects the surface of the bladder.

CystiCran® is a patented extract of Canadian cranberries with a high content of proanthocyanidins (PAC). 4 sachets contain 48 mg PAC, 3 sachets contain 36 mg PAC (with an intensive short-term regimen). 1 sachet with prolonged use contains 12 mg of PAC.

Inulin is a polysaccharide that is obtained, for example, from the root of chicory. In the intestines, it acts as a soluble fiber that also serves as food for friendly intestinal bacteria. It has a prebiotic effect. Rose hips contain many valuable natural substances, such as vitamin C, rutin, carotenoids, vitamins and minerals.

Rosehip contributes to the normal functioning of the bladder, kidneys and supports immunity.

Artichoke is known primarily for its support of detoxification, normal liver function and digestion. But it also supports the normal functioning of the urinary tract and kidneys.


Dosage regimen intensive regimen :
1. Day 4 sachets daily evenly throughout the day, stir in Still Water and drink, 2.-3. Day 3 sachets in the same way, then one sachet per day for min. 2 days, then you can switch to long-term use.

Long-term use :
1 sachet per day, mix in Still Water and drink.

Dosing scheme sex :
1 sachet an hour before and one sachet an hour after intercourse, mix in Still Water and drink.


Artichoke leaf extract 5:1, D-mannose, Canadian cranberry extract CystiCran ® , rosehip extract 4: 1 , inulin


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