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GALMED Espigal 80mg cps.100

GALMED Espigal 80mg cps.100

Product Code: 107001
Code EAN 8594058235214
  • 149 Kč

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The Espigal dietary supplement is a preparation that effectively regulates the formation of intestinal gases. Its use is particularly suitable for bloating, a feeling of pressure and fullness in the lower abdomen, etc. Espigal is safe for long-term use.

Simethicone is a compound of silicon (lat. silicium), which is the most widespread element in nature. Simethicone is not absorbed by the body. It acts only in the intestines.

Simethicone is a substance that reduces surface tension and thus allows easy absorption of air bubbles, which is necessary for their exit from the body without unpleasant side effects.


1 - 3 denně


Simethicon, sojový olej, sojový lecitin, želatina, glycerin, čištěná voda, barvivo (betakaroten E 160a).


Není určeno pro děti do 6 let. Nepřekračujte doporučené denní dávkování. Přípravek není určen jako náhrada pestré stravy. Ukládat mimo dosah dětí. Uchovávejte v suchu při teplotě 15-25 ˚C.

Manufacturer / Distribution

GALMED, a.s. Těšínská 1349/296, 716 00 Ostrava, Radvanice

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