Magnesium 400 mg + B complex + C is a modern dietary supplement in practical disposable sachets that allow for highly comfortable use without the need for drinking. The active ingredients are better absorbed by the body, with a faster onset of effect.
Food supplement.
Nutritional ingredient | Content in three tablets | RHP in three tablets |
Magnesium | 400 mg | 106.7% |
Vitamin C | 40 mg | 50% |
Vitamin B6 | 1.4 mg | 100 % |
Vitamin B1 | 1.1 mg | 100 % |
Vitamin B12 | 2.5 µq | 100 % |
RHP - reference intake value
Children from 12 years old 1 sachet per day
Sladidlo-sorbitol, oxid hořečnatý (hořčík), kyselina L-askorbová (vitamin C), kyselina-kyselina citronová, protispékavá látka – talek, přírodní aromata, kyanokobalamin (vitamin B12), pyridoxin hydrochlorid (vitamin B6), sladidla – sukralóza, citróza (neohesperidin DC), Thiamin mononitrát (vitamin B1).
Manufacturer / Distribution
GALMED, a.s. Těšínská 1349/296, 716 00 Ostrava, Radvanice