Food supplement for vitamin B2 deficiency.
Riboflavin Galmed 10mg x 30tbl is water-soluble and is very well absorbed from the digestive system after administration. It has a positive effect on the body's metabolic processes and contributes to the normal extraction of energy from food.
The preparation is used for vitamin B2 deficiency, on a vegetarian diet and a diet with a higher proportion of fat, for people under physical or mental stress. Since riboflavin affects the metabolism of sugars, fats and amino acids, it affects the overall energy conversion in the body. Riboflavin contributes to maintaining healthy skin, eyes and mucous membranes.
Riboflavin contributes to:
- normal energy metabolism
- normal function of the nervous system
- maintaining the normal condition of mucous membranes
- maintaining normal red blood cells
- maintaining the normal condition of the skin
- maintaining normal vision
- normal iron metabolism
- protecting cells from oxidative stress
- reducing tiredness and fatigue
Active ingredient Contents in 1 tablet RHP* in 1 tablet
Vitamin B2 10.0 mg 714%
Užívá se 1 tableta denně po jídle.
Hydrogenfosforečnan vápenatý, maltodextrin, sladidlo sorbitol, mikrokrystalická celulóza, polydextroza, riboflavin (vitamin B2) 10 mg v 1 tabletě, protispékavá látka stearan hořečnatý 1 tableta obsahuje 10 mg riboflavinu, tj. 710 % doporučené denní dávky.
Přípravek není určen pro děti. Nepřekračujte doporučenou denní dávkování. Přípravek neslouží jako náhrada pestré a vyvážené stravy a zdravého životního stylu.
Manufacturer / Distribution
GALMED, a.s. Těšínská 1349/296, 716 00 Ostrava, Radvanice