Food supplement.
Vitamin B1, thiamine, is essential for the activity of certain enzymes, is used in the breakdown and utilization of sugars and starches, which provide the body with energy. It is important for the normal functioning of the nervous system, muscles and heart.
A balanced diet provides an adequate amount of thiamine. In older people with high energy consumption, e.g. during increased physical exertion, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, during long-term stress, etc., its need increases.
The preparation is used for vitamin B1 deficiency, nervous system disorders, muscle weakness and muscle pain.It is also used in the treatment of mental disorders, alcoholism and is part of the complementary therapy for the use of antibiotics.
Active ingredient | Content in 1 tablet | RHP* in 1 tablet |
Vitamin B1 | 39 mg | 3545% |
RHP - reference intake value
Dospělí užívají 1 tabletu 1-3x denně, dospívajícím ½-1 tableta denně. Jiný způsob dávkování může určit jen lékař.
účinná látka: Thiamin hydrochloridum (vitamin B1) pomocné látky: Laktóza, kukuřičný škrob, želatina, mastek, stearan hlinitý
Manufacturer / Distribution
GALMED, a.s. Těšínská 1349/296, 716 00 Ostrava, Radvanice