Food supplement
GS Coenzyme Q10 – the number one on the coenzyme Q10 market. The product provides the body with an optimal dose of coenzyme Q10. There are 2 variants available – with a content of 60 mg or 30 mg of coenzyme Q10. In addition, it is enriched with biotin, which contributes to normal energy metabolism and nervous system function.
1 capsule daily
Nosiče (sójový olej), obal kapsle (želatina, glycerol, čištěná voda), koenzym Q10, protispékavá látka (oxid křemičitý), barviva (oxid titaničitý, oxid železitý), biotin
Manufacturer / Distribution
Green-Swan Pharmaceuticals CR a.s.
Tomíčkova 2144/1
148 00 Praha 4