The GUM® Technique+ toothbrush is an intelligent toothbrush with a square handle that guides the hand to correctly place the brush against the gums at a 45° angle and continue the brushing technique. The combined Bass 45° technique is one of the best-known and most recommended methods of brushing teeth. You gently place the brush against the gums at the desired angle, vibrate to disrupt plaque, and then gently pull it towards the crown of the tooth (from pink to white). Similarly, the arched cut of the bristles allows for better disruption of plaque in the subgingival groove than with flat brushes. The small head has bristles with a microstructure that helps remove plaque better. Compared to dense brushes, the bristles dry out better, which is why bacteria multiply more easily in them. Special plastic on the body of the brush absorbs excess pressure from the hand on the brush.
Compared to the original model, the new Technique+ has an extended and thinner neck, which makes it easier to reach the back parts of the teeth. The outer white fibers are at the opposite angle to the inner blue ones. When you press on the tooth, they go against each other, and therefore reliably cover its entire surface. The extended green fibers at the tip of the head allow better cleaning behind the back molars or from the inside of the front teeth. Technique+ is more attractive thanks to its modern design.