HUMER Stop Virus nasal spray is a medical device that is intended for the onset of the first symptoms of flu or cold. It is also suitable as prevention and protection during flu epidemics, when there is increased contact with cold and flu viruses. The fresh mint aroma ensures pleasant use. Suitable for children from 1 year of age and adults. HUMER Stop Virus is a medical device. Read the package leaflet carefully before using it.
The composition of the Humer Stop Virus nasal spray combines microcoating technology and acidic pH, which traps viruses in the respiratory tract and helps the body get rid of them.
Aplikujte 2 – 3 vstřiky do každé nosní dírky 3 – 4krát denně, nejdéle pod dobu 10 dní. Nepoužívejte častěji než po 4 hodinách. Nesmrkejte do 10 minut po ošetření.
Manufacturer / Distribution
VITROBIO SAS 51 rue Albert De dion ZAC de Lavaur 63500 ISSOIRE, France