Urinal Akut tablets contain three substances - Exocyan, a highly concentrated extract of Canadian cranberries - large-fruited cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon), extract of goldenrod (Solidago virguarea) and vitamin D. Canadian cranberries are a rich source of bioflavonoids, phenolic compounds and other natural substances. The amount of extract in one tablet corresponds to at least 36 mg of PAC (proanthocyanidins). UrinalAkut contains a guaranteed amount of proanthocyanidins, the unique technology of processing Canadian cranberries in the form of the Exocyan extract ensures the quality and content of active substances. Goldenrod (Solidago virguarea) contributes to the proper function of the bladder and lower urinary tract. Vitamin D contributes to the proper function of the immune system. Food supplement.
1 tableta denně.
átky protispékavé (celulosa, uhličitan vápenatý, oxid křemičitý, stearát hořečnatý, talek), jehlice trnitá extrakt, olivovník evropský extrakt, kanadská brusinka (klikva velkoplodá) extrakt, stabilizátory (zesíťovaná sodná sůl karboxymethylcelulosy, hydroxypropyl methylcelulóza, arabská guma, polydextróza), kvasnice obohacené selenem, barviva (oxid titaničitý, oxidy a hydroxidy železa), triglyceridy, riboflavin
Manufacturer / Distribution
Siemensova 2717/4
155 00 Praha 13 - Stodůlky