Food supplement. Our kidneys fight to keep our bodies free of waste and toxins. These strained organs act as filters that remove substances that are harmful to us through urine. However, they can become overloaded. It happens that waste accumulates in the kidneys, for example in the form of sand, which can form kidney stones. The toxins that the kidneys flush out of the body can pose a danger to their own cells. Fortunately, thanks to Urinal® Nefro, there is a way to support the protection of our key toxin fighters. The herbal blend used supports kidney health, contributes to their proper function and helps protect their cells. Support your natural protectors against toxins and waste.
1 tableta denně.
átky protispékavé (celulosa, uhličitan vápenatý, oxid křemičitý, stearát hořečnatý, talek), jehlice trnitá extrakt, olivovník evropský extrakt, kanadská brusinka (klikva velkoplodá) extrakt, stabilizátory (zesíťovaná sodná sůl karboxymethylcelulosy, hydroxypropyl methylcelulóza, arabská guma, polydextróza), kvasnice obohacené selenem, barviva (oxid titaničitý, oxidy a hydroxidy železa), triglyceridy, riboflavin
Manufacturer / Distribution
Siemensova 2717/4
155 00 Praha 13 - Stodůlky