Food supplement.
Herbal extract of turmeric and black pepper supports healthy digestion. Jamieson Curcumin with Black Pepper contains extract of turmeric and black pepper with high absorbability. Turmeric is a plant that is grown in Southeast Asia. Its roots have been used in Ayurveda and traditional Indian medicine for centuries. The active ingredients are natural phenols, so-called curcuminoids. The most famous is curcumin. The contained piperine (black pepper extract) increases the absorption of certain substances from the digestive tract. It contributes to normal digestion and acts as an antioxidant.
Doporučená dávka je 1 kapsle denně.
Bio-extrakt z kurkumy (Curcuma longa, oddenek), černý pepř (Piper nigrum, plod), celulóza (nosič), rozpustná celulóza: rostlinný stearan hořečnatý (leštící látka), kurkuma (barvivo), oxid křemičitý (protispékavá látka).
Manufacturer / Distribution
INTERPHARM Slovakia a.s.
Uzbecká 18/A
821 06 Bratislava