Premium colostrum contains high-quality bovine (cow) colostrum, which is produced by a gentle low-temperature process that prevents the denaturation of immunoglobulins, but at the same time maintains high microbiological quality and safety.
The colostrum comes from selected farms in the north of France, from controlled farms, from the surroundings of the French dairy company - Ingredia Nutritional's, which ensures its perfect freshness.
Cows of this company are bred on farms that use traditional know-how, respecting nature and animals. High quality milk is guaranteed by constant control and compliance with the strictest conditions.
Děti od 3 let: 1 × 1 kps denně. Dospělí: 2 - 4 kps denně.
Kolostrum (mléko a mléčné výrobky), rostlinná kapsle (hypromelóza, uhličitan vápenatý)
100 g | 1 kapsle | ||
Kolostrum | 77,77 g | 350 mg +- 7,5% |
Manufacturer / Distribution
GONEX spol.s r.o.
Pod Kopcem 107
687 65 Strání