Taurine is a semi-essential sulfur amino acid that the body can synthesize from methionine and cysteine, with the participation of vitamin B6. After glutamine, it is the most widespread amino acid in the body. It is most abundant in skeletal muscle, heart muscle and brain.
The highest concentration of taurine is in the heart. Its production decreases with age and also under certain conditions, e.g. in stressful situations or during intense and prolonged physical exercise. It occurs naturally in foods of animal origin. It is deficient (absent) in plant foods.
1 - 3 capsules forě.
Taurin, živočišná želatina, rostlinná kapsle (hypromelóza, uhličitan vápenatý)
Manufacturer / Distribution
GONEX spol.s r.o.
Pod Kopcem 107
687 65 Strání