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Magfit 15mlx20 sáčků Mango a pomeranč

Magfit 15mlx20 sáčků Mango a pomeranč

Product Code: 122484
Code EAN 5290931031166
Country of manufacture Cyprus
  • 249 Kč
  • 175 Kč

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RESVERATROL is a powerful antioxidant and a member of a group of plant compounds called polyphenols. It is found in red grapes, berries and in large quantities in the Japanese and Chinese knotweed plant Polygonum cuspidatum.

The patented formulation of Evelor®H consists of micronized trans-resveratrol, the active form of resveratrol. The micronization process increases the absorption and bioavailability of resveratrol in the body for increased efficacy.

What are Evelor®H tablets for?

  • May help maintain a healthy cardiovascular system.
  • Protects the liver, decreases elevated liver enzymes.
  • Supports a strong immune system.
  • Help improve metabolism by balancing blood sugar levels and improve energy levels.
  • Protect cells and DNA from oxidative damage, thus slowing the premature aging of cells.
  • May slow the development of certain diseases that arise through the ageing process such as cancer and Alzheimer's disease.
  • Assist in weight-loss and physical endurance.

It is a food supplement. Consult with your doctor before use.


Děti od 6 let 1 sáček denně. Děti od 11 let a dospělí 2 sáčky denně.


Citrát hořečnatý 815 mg (obsahuje 125 mg hořčíku, 33 % referenční hodnoty příjmu) v jednom sáčku. Čištěná voda, bezvodý citrát hořečnatý, sladidlo glycerol, regulátor kyselosti kyselina mléčná, konzervanty benzoát sodný a sorbát draselný, zahušťovadlo xantanová guma, mangové a pomerančové aroma, sladidla sukralóza a xylitol.

Manufacturer / Distribution

Medochemie Bohemia, spol. s r.o.
Vyskočilova 1566
140 00 Praha 4 - Michle

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