The product is suitable for displaying body temperature by measuring thermal radiation in the ear canal or on the forehead. It has different colors and backlighting: white, green, orange and red. 9 sets of values stored in memory. Displaying degrees Fahrenheit and Celsius (the initial setting is in degrees Celsius). The thermometer sound can be turned off and on. If you do not use the device for more than 30 seconds, it will automatically turn off.
Product specifications:
- Product dimensions: 31x175x72mm
- Product weight: approx. 77g (without batteries)
- Measuring range: 34.0 °C to 43.0 °C (93.2 - 109.4 °F)
- Object temperature: 0 - 93.2 °C (32 - 199.7 °F)
- Resolution: 0.1 °C / °F
- Batteries: 2 x 1.5V AAA batteries (number 7), alkaline batteries are recommended
Children under 12 years of age and people who cannot express their feelings should not use the device.
Do not use in persons suffering from inflammation of the external ear canal, otitis media or other ear diseases.
Manufacturer / Distribution
ELEKTA, s.r.o.
V Braňce 262
252 17 Tachlovice