Food supplement with alpha-amylase enzyme and now with ginger extract for good digestion.
Ginger extract helps with good digestion.
The Orenzym® Plus food supplement contains the α-amylase enzyme and ginger extract, which helps with good digestion. The product is produced in the form of enteric-coated tablets, which ensures gentle "transportation" of the enzyme to its destination - the small intestine.
Do you like to eat fresh vegetables, fruit or legumes? Do you love fresh bread or flaky porridge?
The feeling of good and healthy food can later be replaced by a feeling of fullness and a bloated stomach.
Foods that can cause bloating:
- legumes - cause bloating in people who lack special enzymes for digesting carbohydrates contained in legumes, with their regular consumption the body adapts and the problems disappear
- simple industrially refined sugars (sweets, cookies) - contribute to the multiplication of yeast in the digestive tract
- cereals - can cause bloating in people suffering from celiac disease - intolerance to the cereal protein gluten
- milk - causes bloating in people unable to digest the milk sugar lactose
- salty foods and foods containing monosodium glutamate (salty crackers, sausages, canned goods, soup cubes) - retain water in the body, which can cause bloating
- carbonated drinks
Ordinary food remains in the stomach for about 3-5 hours. Then it passes into the small intestine. Unlike the stomach, the environment of the small intestine is alkaline. This is important for digestion and absorption. The final processing of food takes place with the participation of pancreatic juices, bile and intestinal juices. Pancreatic juice is the most important digestive juice, as it contains enzymes that break down all nutrients.
Dospělí užívají maximálně 5 tablet denně, nejlépe rozděleně do dvou či tří dávek. Tablety se užívají po jídle, polykají se celé (nerozkousané, nerozdrcené) a zapíjejí se dostatečným množstvím tekutiny, např. sklenkou vody.
plnidlo mikrokrystalická celulóza, α-amyláza 1:5000 (_Aspergillus oryzae_), zázvorovník lékařský (Zingiber officinale, extrakt z oddenku), plnidlo hydroxypropylmetylcelulóza, stabilizátor sodná sůl kroskarmelózy, protispékavé látky koloidní oxid křemičitý a stearan hořečnatý. Potah tablety: leštící látky polyvinylalkohol a etylcelulóza, plnidlo talek, leštící látka alginát sodný, zvlhčující látka poleyethylenglykol, stabilizátor hydroxid amonný, triglyceridy se středním řetězcem, emulgátor kyselina olejová, emulgátor polysorbát 80.
Manufacturer / Distribution
Noventis s.r.o.
Filmová 174
761 79 Zlín