Withania somnifera, known as Ashwagandha, which means "horsepower". It is also called Indian ginseng, as its properties are similar to those of Korean or Siberian ginseng. Ashwagandha is an adaptogenic plant and its history of use has been known primarily in Ayurveda for thousands of years. It has a positive effect on mental health and cognitive activity, improves concentration. It also has a positive effect on fatigue and stress. It promotes muscle growth, improves endurance, and provides vitality and energy. In addition to these most valued properties, it also supports the normal functioning of the cardiovascular, reproductive (it is a great aphrodisiac) and respiratory systems. It helps maintain normal skin conditions. Ashwagandha is a one and a half meter tall shrub with small leaves and greenish-yellow flowers, found in dry areas of India and Africa. The roots, which have a bitter taste, are used for medicinal purposes. The mixture contains adaptogens. Dietary supplement.
2-4 kapsle dvakrát denně s jídlem.
Withania somnifera
Manufacturer / Distribution
Ecce Vita, spol. s r.o. Nad Závěrkou 2434/7, 169 00 Praha 6 - Břevnov