Shatavari is also known as Indian asparagus, "thousand roots" or "asparagus root". Shatavari is a traditionally widely used plant that accompanies the treatment of serious diseases. However, it is also suitable for the treatment of impotence in both sexes. Shatavari can also be translated as "the one who owns hundreds of men", from this it can be concluded that it is a generally stimulating medicine. Furthermore, it is possible to emphasize the effect of Shatavari in the treatment of sexual weakness, infertility in men and women, but also in alleviating symptoms of menopause or increasing lactation. The extract contains adaptogens. Food supplement.
2-4 kapsle dvakrát denně s jídlem.
Asparagus racemosus
Manufacturer / Distribution
Ecce Vita, spol. s r.o. Nad Závěrkou 2434/7, 169 00 Praha 6 - Břevnov