With this test, you can reliably determine the date of ovulation and the most suitable time for conception. How the test works: The test works on the principle of detecting LH (luteinizing hormone) in urine. Normally, LH is found in urine in very small amounts, but approximately 24-36 hours before ovulation, its occurrence increases many times over. The pituitary gland, which regulates the activity of the ovaries, sends a signal using LH, thus letting the ovaries know that the right time for ovulation has come. Luteinizing hormone is then excreted in the urine and is detectable by an ovulation test. Given that the increase in LH precedes ovulation by about 2 days, it is important to start testing from about the 10th-11th day of the cycle, as long as the test is positive. Ovulation can occur as early as the 12th day, but also, for example, on the 16th or 18th day of the cycle. The ovulation date is individual for each woman, but it can also fluctuate in individual cycles, so it is advisable to perform ovulation tests preferably in each cycle.