Natural Rose Water (250 ml) is a refreshing and soothing tonic obtained by distilling rose petals. It is known for its beneficial effects on the skin and hair. This water is 100% natural, with no added chemicals or preservatives.
Effects and uses:
- For the skin : Rose water has soothing and anti-inflammatory properties, helping with skin irritation, acne, or minor rashes. It also has a refreshing effect and helps retain moisture in the skin, making it ideal for dry or sensitive skin.
- For hair : It can be used as a natural hair tonic, helps against hair loss and stimulates growth.
- Aromatherapy : It has a pleasant scent that has a calming effect on the mind and body.
- Apply to skin using a cotton pad as a toner after cleansing.
- Can be used as a skin refresher during the day.
- Apply to hair to strengthen it and soothe the scalp.
- Can be added to a bath to calm the body and mind.