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Rosen B-komplex REPELENT - for kids 25 cps

Product Code: 107452
Code EAN 8594071960742
Country of manufacture Czech Republic
  • 79 Kč

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A healthy repellent in tablet form for children aged 3 and above. The first repellent in tablet form. A dietary supplement with sweeteners.
Utilizes the traditionally proven effect against mosquitoes.
Contains THIAMIN (Thiamin is excreted from the body through sweat and urine, thereby repelling mosquitoes).
Suitable for use with water, during vacations, and during sports activities.


1 tablet a day


Účinné látky v 1 tabletě/dražé  v 1 dražé/v 1 tablete (mg) % RHP*/% RVH**
B1-tiamin mononitrát/thiamín mononitrát  98,7 mg 8973  %
B3-nikotinamid/nikotínamid  50 mg 278 %
B5-panthotenan vápenatý/pantotenát vápenatý 40 mg 613 %
B6-pyridoxin hydrochlorid/pyridoxín hydrochlorid  12,2 mg 500 %
B2-riboflavin riboflavín 10,2 mg 625 %
B9-kyselina listová/kyselina listová 0,4 mg 200 %
B7-biotin/biotín 0,03 mg 60 %
B12-kyanokobalamin/kyanokobalamín 0,01 mg 400 %

Manufacturer / Distribution

RosenPharma a.s.
Levá 489/11
147 00 Praha 4 - Podolí

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