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RYOR - Hyaluronic acid mask, 150 ml.

RYOR - Hyaluronic acid mask, 150 ml.

Product Code: 108852
Code EAN 8594007970241
Country of manufacture Česká republika
Brand RYOR
  • 519 Kč

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  • The mask contains hyaluronic acid, which is a natural part of the intercellular substance, binds water and visibly smoothes fine wrinkles. The quality of the mask also includes marine plankton extract, which supplies the skin with a high amount of minerals and proteins, which maximizes the lifting effect. The product also contains glycerin, avocado and jojoba oil. The mask with hyaluronic acid perfectly hydrates, nourishes the skin, reduces pores, and keeps the skin supple and youthful.


Masku aplikujte na předem vyčištěnou pleť obličeje a po 20minutách nevstřebané zbytky masky lehkou masáží zapracujte do pleti nebo jemně setřete papírovým ubrouskem.

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