Lavender soothes migraine headaches. It is successfully used for insomnia. It accelerates the healing of skin cells in burns and minor injuries. It disinfects and regenerates the skin. It repels insects. It removes mental and physical fatigue in the bath. Use for muscle and rheumatic problems.
Aromatherapy has a rich and long-standing tradition. Smell is the first of the senses that a person uses after birth to get to know the surrounding environment. Smell triggers a whole range of emotional reactions in us. The imprint of scents is stored in the memory more firmly than the shape or name of a plant. The use of essential oils in aromatherapy to alleviate problems, but not to treat serious diseases. The oil can be used for inhalation, bathing, massage, or in an aroma lamp. Never use the oil undiluted directly on the skin.
Apply a few drops to aroma lamps, directly to the bath or to the massage emulsion. TIP! Try dripping 2-3 drops directly into their room for restless or sleepless children.
Manufacturer / Distribution
Green idea s.r.o., Vodova 40, Brno 612 00, Česká republika