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URIVAC, 30 capsules

URIVAC, 30 capsules

Product Code: 128912
Code EAN 8594004862655
Country of manufacture Czech Republic
  • 499 Kč

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Bacterial lysate prepared using a special technology from strains of the most common causes of urological inflammation.


  • Food supplement available in pharmacies without a prescription.
  • Application form of the product – oral capsules.
  • It is made from natural materials.
  • It is intended for adults and children from 7 years of age.
  • The package contains 30 capsules, i.e. a dose for three months.
  • It is not intended as a substitute for a varied diet.
  • Developed in cooperation with the Faculty of Medicine of Palacký University in Olomouc.

URIVAC® is an original patented product produced using the most modern biotechnology and purification technologies. It contains a unique combination of purified bacterial lysates (highly purified harmless parts of inactivated microorganisms).


**English Translation:** Take 1 capsule daily, preferably on an empty stomach, for 10 days, then take a 20-day break, and resume taking 1 capsule daily for 10 days. Afterward, take another 20-day break and then take 1 capsule daily for 10 days again. After completing this initial cycle of using URIVAC®, you may continue with this dosage after another 20-day break. If you have not yet planned your dosing schedule, use the URIVAC® Dosing Calendar on the back of the information leaflet for proper usage.


1 kapsle obsahuje 5 mg lyofilizátu inaktivovaných mikroorganismů: Propionibacterium acnes lysatum cryodessicatum (CCM 7083) 1,66 mg* Klebsiella pneumoniae lysatum cryodessicatum (CCM 7589) 0,67 mg* Pseudomonas aeruginosa lysatum cryodessicatum (CCM 7590) 0,67 mg* Enterococcus faecalis lysatum cryodessicatum (CCM 7591) 0,67 mg* Escherichia coli lysatum cryodessicatum (CCM 7593) 0,67 mg* Proteus mirabilis lysatum cryodessicatum (CCM 7592) 0,67 mg* * referenční výživová hodnota není stanovena Přídatné látky: plnidla - bramborový škrob, laktosa; protispékavá látka - oxid křemičitý. Obal kapsle: želatina, oxid titaničitý, čištěná voda.


Doplněk stravy. Nepřekračujte doporučené denní dávkování. Není určeno pro děti do 3 let. Není náhradou pestré stravy a zdravého životního stylu. Uchovávejte mimo dosah dětí!

Manufacturer / Distribution

S & D Pharma CZ, spol.s r.o.
Písnická 22/546
142 00 Praha 4

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