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VITAR Klidný spánek meduňka+citron 20x2g

Product Code: 126478
Code EAN 8595011145595
  • 109 Kč

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Sleep is an extremely important part of our every day. During it, the body regenerates and replenishes its strength for further activities. Quality and sufficiently long sleep is therefore key on the path to a healthier life and vitality. We will advise you on how to support it and how the herbs contained in the new Vitar Calm Sleep can help you.

In today's stressful times, it is sometimes difficult to relax. Our sleep often pays the price, as due to circumstances it may not be as deep, long and of good quality as the body needs. At the same time, the quality of sleep is important for the regeneration of our strength and the proper course of all processes within the body for full recovery.


We offer help in the form of a completely new dietary supplement containing natural extracts from 4 beneficial plants.

  • Lemongrass has calming effects, has a positive effect on mental health, helps induce relaxation, healthy sleep and peace.
  • Valerian helps with stress, supports mental health and relaxation in case of stress.
  • Hop supports the proper functioning of the nervous system; thanks to its ability to relax the body as a whole, it also helps to fall asleep easily.
  • Lavender supports healthy sleep, relaxation and mental well-being.


These traditional herbs help to induce harmony in the body, which is important not only for falling asleep, but also for quality sleep. They bring psychological relaxation even in case of nervous tension. They are non-addictive, so they do not cause addiction, and thanks to their loose form in disposable sachets (stick packs), they are very simple and comfortable to use - just pour them into your mouth about 30 minutes before going to bed. You can also take a small sachet with you everywhere, for example during business trips or during vacations.

A peaceful sleep brings many health benefits and is important for both physical and mental health. So think about it and try the new Vitar Klidný spánek from VITAR - a traditional Czech manufacturer

Content of active ingredients
In daily dose (1 sachet)
% RHP*
Lemongrass extract100 mgnot determined
Valerian extract100 mgnot determined
Lavender extract50 mgnot determined
Hop extract50 mgnot determined
*RHP - income reference value


Doporučené denní dávkování: dospělí 1 sáček denně ½ hodiny před spaním. Obsah sáčku nasypte do úst, pomalu nechejte rozpustit a polkněte.


Sladidlo – sorbitol, extrakt z rostliny meduňky lékařské, extrakt z kořene kozlíku lékařského, extrakt z květů levandule lékařské, extrakt ze šištic chmele otáčivého, protispékavá látka – stearan hořečnatý, kyselina – kyselina citronová, přírodní aroma, protispékavá látka – talek, přírodní aroma, sladidla – sukralóza, citróza (neohesperidin DC).

Manufacturer / Distribution

VITAR s.r.o.
Tř.T.Bati 385
763 02 Zlín

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