Excessive sun exposure, increased physical exertion, sports or changes in eating habits during travel can reduce the amount of fluids in the body. In such cases, it is advisable to ensure their sufficient supply in the form of a drink with a balanced content of minerals.
Vitar Rehydration Active, a loose mixture packaged in practical disposable bags, is intended for the preparation of a hypotonic drink containing ions, glucose and 2 probiotic strains of LactoSpore®. Due to its thermostability and resistance to acidic environments, this strain passes through the digestive tract to the intestines, where it can enrich the intestinal microflora.
Molar composition of the beverage | in 1 sachet / in 150 ml of beverage | in 1 l of beverage |
sodium (Na+) | 9.0 mmol | 59.40 mmol |
potassium (K+) | 3.0 mmol | 19.98 mmol |
chlorides (Cl-) | 6.6 mmol | 43.95 mmol |
citrates | 3.0 mmol | 19.98 mmol |
glucose | 12.6 mmol | 83.91 mmol |
Food supplement - loose mixture for preparing a hypotonic drink containing minerals, glucose and LactoSpore® probiotic. The product is not flavored, does not contain coloring.
1 sáček rozpustit ve 150 ml vody. Děti od 6 do 12 let 1 sáček denně. Dospělí 1 až 2 sáčky denně při zvýšené ztrátě tekutin organizmem. Osmolalita nápoje připraveného dle doporučení je 240 - 250 mOsm/kg
Složení směsi v 1 sáčku glukóza 2,3 g, kyselina – kyselina citronová, regulátor kyselosti – hydrogenuhličitan sodný, plnidlo-maltodextrin, chlorid draselný, chlorid sodný, protispékavá látka – oxid křemičitý, 500 milionů CFU Bacillus coagulans LactoSpore® MTCC 5856, protispékavá látka – talek.
Manufacturer / Distribution
VITAR s.r.o.
Tř.T.Bati 385
763 02 Zlín