Cemio KAMZÍK® is a joint preparation that contains a combination of 2 types of collagen (natural collagen NCI® and natural collagen NCII®) and vitamin C for joints, ligaments, tendons and articular cartilage. It contains collagens with the NC trademark, which designates top-quality, so-called undenatured collagen in its natural triple helix form. This distinguishes it from all other collagen preparations on the market. It is manufactured in Switzerland in a renowned pharmaceutical factory that has a highly gentle method for processing native collagen into the final capsule form.
Type I collagen is present in tendons, ligaments and bones, where it creates relatively strong fibers. These are further combined into bulky fibrous bundles (the rope principle), because ligaments and tendons must withstand strong pressure. Type I collagen is the most widespread type of collagen. It is also found in the skin.
Type II collagen is most commonly found in cartilage. Here, on the other hand, it creates dense spatial networks of very thin fibers, because the cartilage is stressed primarily by pressure in all directions. Type II collagen holds the cartilage together and provides it with strength and resistance.
Vitamin C plays a key role in the formation of collagen in the body. We need it to create the correct functional structure of collagen fibers. It therefore has a fundamental influence on the quality and strength of articular cartilage. Dietary supplement.
1 capsule daily.
Nosič (sójový olej, včelí vosk), obal kapsle (želatina, glycerol, čištěná voda), kyselina askorbová, emulgátor (sójový lecitin), hovězí kolagen, barvivo (oxid železitý, karamel, hlinitokřemičitan draselný). Země původu primárních složek se liší od země původu přípravku.
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Manufacturer / Distribution
Cemio Switzerland, s.r.o.
Tomíčkova 2144/1
148 00 Praha 4