COLAFIT WITH VITAMIN C is a premium package that contains a combination of 60 Colafit cubes and 60 vitamin C tablets, which helps with normal collagen formation for the normal function of bones, cartilage, but also skin, teeth and gums.
The package consists of 2 bottles. After removing the tear-off strip, the bottles can be separated. The Colafit cubes are located in the lower part, and the vitamin C tablets in the upper part.
- A suitable combination of active ingredients: cubes of pure crystalline lyophilized collagen type I + tasty vitamin C tablets with strawberry flavor
- Just take 1 cube + 1 tablet daily
- Package for 2 months of use
COLAFIT cubes contain a popular, user-tested form of lyophilized collagen. Small white cubes contain only 99.9% pure collagen (without excipients, dyes). They are easy to use and are also suitable for those who have problems swallowing large tablets/capsules, large bites. Thanks to an unconventional and at the same time gentle processing method, water is removed from the collagen, which is why the cubes can be small, soft and light. 1 cube (8 mg) of lyophilized collagen corresponds to 800 mg of collagen gel.
Collagen - a water-insoluble protein and forms the basic building block of connective tissues. It makes up 25–30% of all proteins in the body of mammals, in the form of collagen fibers. At least 28 different types of collagen are currently known. The most widespread collagen in the body is type I collagen. Type I collagen molecules chain together and form strong fibers and bundles of fibers that can already be seen with the naked eye. This type of collagen occurs, for example, in in tendons, ligaments, bones, skin, organ sheaths...
Vitamin C - plays an important role in the formation of collagen in the human body: it contributes to its normal formation for the normal function of bones, cartilage, gums, skin, teeth and blood vessels. It also contributes to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue and contributes to the maintenance of the normal function of the immune system during and after intense physical exercise.
Dospělí užívají 1 kostičku Colafitu denně, děti půl kostičky denně ráno na lačno minimálně 10 minut před jídlem. 1 tabletu vitaminu C bereme buď společně s Colafitem nebo kdykoliv během dne. Colafit užívejte minimálně 2-3 měsíce alespoň 2x do roka. V případě potřeby můžete užívat trvale.
Kostičky: čistý krystalický lyofilizovaný kolagen typu I (ATELOKOLAGEN), čistoty 99,9 %. Neobsahuje žádné jiné příměsi a těžké kovy. Tablety: vitamín C 40 mg (kyselina askorbová), pojivo mikrokrystalická celulóza.
Doplněk stravy. Nepřekračujte doporučené denní dávkování. Není určeno pro děti do 3 let. Není náhradou pestré stravy a zdravého životního stylu. Uchovávejte mimo dosah dětí!
Manufacturer / Distribution
SENIMED s.r.o.
Okruhová 1135/44
155 00 Praha 5, Stodůlky