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Dr.Müller Urosept sirup 245ml

Product Code: 125602
Code EAN 8595610406370
Country of manufacture Česká republika
Brand Dr.Müller
  • 189 Kč

Not available


Urosept® Syrup with Canadian cranberry juice (large-fruited cranberry - Vaccinium macrocarpon) has excellent taste properties and is suitable for children from 3 years of age. Supports normal urinary tract function, optimal immune system function and reduced fatigue and exhaustion.

Content of active ingredients
In 1  teaspoon (5 ml)
% RHP*
Dry cranberry juice concentrate (Vaccinium macrocarpon)731.5 mg
not determined
  - contains 7% proanthocyanidins (PAC)51 mg PAC
not determined
*RHP – reference intake value


The recommended dose is 1-3 teaspoons (5-15 ml) of syrup per day. It can be added to tea or other hot or cold drinks. Can also be used as a syrup in water. The maximum recommended daily dose (15 ml) corresponds to 54.86 g of fresh cranberries. Shake before use. After opening, keep the syrup well sealed in a cool, dark place.


Invertní cukr, čištěná voda, suchý koncentrát šťávy klikvy velkoplodé (Vaccinium macrocarpon), regulátor kyselosti (L- askorbová kyselina, L-askorbát sodný), konzervant (sorban draselný).

Manufacturer / Distribution

Dr.Müller Pharma s.r.o.
U Mostku 182
503 41 Hradec Králové 7

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