JAMIESON Omega-3 Kids Gummies 90 ks - an excellent dietary supplement for children that are fruit-flavored gummy candies containing Omega-3 fatty acids, essential for brain and eye health. These tasty chewy candies contain high-quality dietary sources of Omega-3 fatty acids, such as eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which are necessary for maintaining heart, brain, and visual function health.
JAMIESON Omega-3 Kids Gummies 90 ks are not just tasty but also beneficial for children's growth and development. They are intended for daily use and are a great way to provide children's bodies with essential nutrients. These candies do not contain GMOs, gluten, or artificial colors, making them safe for children with any dietary restrictions.
JAMIESON Omega-3 Kids Gummies 90 ks are an ideal dietary supplement for children who do not like fish and other foods containing Omega-3 fatty acids. These candies will interest children with their bright taste and convenient form of use. Try JAMIESON Omega-3 Kids Gummies 60 ks today and provide your children with everything necessary for health and happy development.
Each bottle of JAMIESON Omega-3 Kids Gummies contains 90 gummies with a recommended daily dose of 2 gummies per day.
Každá pastilka obsahuje: Rybí olej (sardinky, ančovičky) 75 mg Poskytuje 40 mg omega-3 mastných kyselin, z toho: Kyselina eikosapentaenová (EPA) 6 mg Kyselina dokosahexaenová (DHA) 34 mg Vitamín D3 (cholekalciferol) 3,3 μg/133 IU 66% referenční hodnoty příjmu Dále obsahuje: glukózový sirup, sacharóza (sladidla); pektin (želírující látka); přírodní příchutě (citron, pomeranč, směs bobulového ovoce, banán, třešeň); kyselina citronová, citran sodný (ochucovadla); přírodní barviva (koncentrovaná šťáva z černé mrkve, annatto); karnaubský vosk, rostlinný olej (povlakové látky) BEZ GMO. BEZ soli, lepku, laktózy, aspartamu, umělých příchutí, barviv nebo konzervantů. Farmaceuticky testováno a bez těžkých kovů, PCB, dioxinů, rtuti a olova.
Manufacturer / Distribution
INTERPHARM Slovakia a.s.
Uzbecká 18/A
821 06 Bratislava