Tulsi, Ocimum sanctum (holy basil) is one of the most famous Ayurvedic herbs. It supports normal respiratory system functions, heart, vitality and stress. It is an antioxidant, supports the immune system.
Matricaria recutita (true chamomile) supports a positive mood, relaxation and sleep. It has an effect on metabolism, proper digestion, lipid metabolism, supports cognitive functions. It is an antioxidant.
The combination of Tulsi with the delicate taste and aroma of anise and jasmine will put almost anyone in a romantic mood. You can enjoy the pleasant fresh taste at any time of the day, whether alone or with a partner.
Manufacturer / Distribution
Ecce Vita, spol. s r.o. Nad Závěrkou 2434/7, 169 00 Praha 6 - Břevnov