An original preparation for supporting blood circulation in tissues and for reducing body weight. Pepper extract containing capsaicin is a frequent component of weight loss programs, contributing to weight loss. Garcinia is another almost indispensable part of weight loss diets. It reduces hunger and appetite, helps maintain normal blood sugar and fat levels. It suppresses the formation of fats and their accumulation in tissues, helps reduce fat stores in the body. Ginkgo supports blood circulation and peripheral blood circulation - contributes to blood circulation in blood capillaries. It helps maintain good hearing and vision, has a positive effect on brain function and activity with advancing age.
2-3 tablets per day.
garcínie kambodžská extrakt z plodu 1251 mg, plnidla: mikrokrystalická celulóza, sodná sůl karboxymethylcelulózy, sodná sůlkarboxymethylškrobu, zelený čaj extrakt z listu 282 mg, paprika roční extrakt z plodu 150 mg, jinan dvoulaločný (ginkgo) extrakt z listu 39 mg, stearát hořečnatý (protispékavá látka) ve 3 tabletách. Potahovací směs: hydroxypropylmethylcelulóza.
Manufacturer / Distribution
VIRDE spol. s r.o.
Štemplovec 10
747 74 Holasovice