100% cold-pressed sea buckthorn oil is notable for its natural content of carotenoids and other biologically active substances. Sea buckthorn contributes to the body's natural defense reactions, supports the immune system. It favorably affects the activity of the digestive tract, stimulates metabolism, strengthens the cardiovascular system. It helps maintain the functions of the mucous membranes of the eye, mouth and vagina (even in their drier state) and the normal condition and quality of the skin. Vitamin E contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress.
5-15 ml 1-3x za den
Rakytník řešetlákový 100 % olej ze semen (obsah karotenoidů 180mg/100g) 4,975 ml, alfa-tokoferol (vitamin E, antioxidant) 25 mg v denní dávce 5 ml oleje ( odpovídá 208 % referenční hodnoty příjmu).
Manufacturer / Distribution
VIRDE spol. s r.o.
Štemplovec 10
747 74 Holasovice