Psyllium is a soluble fiber that is obtained from the cleaned seed husks of Indian plantain (Plantago ovata). It grows in Iraq, Pakistan, Australia and especially in India, where this raw material is of the highest quality. This is where we import it for you.
Psyllium Dr. Popova increases its volume in the digestive tract by up to 40 times. The gel that is formed in this way absorbs excess fluid and, by simple swelling (mechanical force like a piston), pushes harmful products out of the tract. The basis of a clean organism and an integral criterion for good health is daily healthy stools.
Psyllium Plantago ovata (vyčištěné obaly semen jitrocele indického, nejvyšší možná kvalita), inulin, zelený čaj extrakt, spirulina prášek, kopřiva extrakt, garcinie extrakt, obal kapsle – jedlá želatina
Manufacturer / Distribution
Dr. Popov s.r.o. Plzeňská 857, 348 15 Planá